In regards to our page, we would like to address citation etiquette as well as recognizing Fair Use within Copyright Law.

The writing on this page is all our own, unless quoted and / or otherwise stated. If you would like to reference this blog elsewhere: I simply ask that you give proper credit to the appropriate writer of our team, and use quotations if it is a direct quote. A hyperlink back to the corresponding blog post would be both appropriate and also highly appreciated by us and your readers.

As for the images and likenesses used in our posts: we do our best to obtain direct permission from the respective developing company when available. We will be clear that the ownership belongs to the corresponding copyright holders. As a review / news blog, we refer to the terms of fair use in respect to screenshots and images. If you feel that we have in any way abused or misused your visual content or intellectual property, please contact us and we will be happy to make corrections. Really, just get in touch with us, we will be more than willing to find a solution.
